Bi-direction transmissible gate driver on array
Conference Dates
May 19-23, 2019
- Background
In recent years, gate driver using amorphous silicon (a-Si) technology for the TFT-LCD has become the main stream due to the mature manufacturing, low-cost processing, and elimination of the gate driver ICs [1],[2]. However, it’s still three challenges of design the integrated gate driver by a-Si encounters which are the low field-effect mobility, low reliability issue under high voltage stress, and the lack of P-type transistor.
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Recommended Citation
Chia-Heng Tu, Chia-Heng Tu, Jin-Hao Huang, and Guang-Ting Zheng, "Bi-direction transmissible gate driver on array" in "Semiconductor Technology for Ultra Large Scale Integrated Circuits and Thin Film Transistors VII (ULSIC VS TFT 7)", Yue Kuo, Texas A&M University, USA Junichi Murota, Tohoku University, Japan Yukiharu Uraoka, Nara Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan Yasuhiro Fukunaka, Kyoto University, Japan Eds, ECI Symposium Series, (2019). https://dc.engconfintl.org/ulsic_tft_vii/6
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